Thursday, 11 April 2013

Room 2's Motueka River Poem - our Sense of Place

Motueka River PoemMac HD 07:Users:student:Desktop:swimming-motuekariver.jpg

A mountain stream, water rushing down it,
Slamming against rocks, like stags clashing antlers.
Crashing waves of white water like flying fish skimming.
"Shhhh!” goes the waterfalls, slamming against the rushing water of the Motueka Gorge.

Underneath the beach trees rapids run down, water clashing against the bank.
Animals footprints left behind on the riverbanks.
Water rushing down the waterfalls.
Birds singing on the manuka branches as the blue duck hunts for food.

The cows are drinking from the river, making it brown, muddied.
This river is too murky for passerby swimmers.
The farmer chases his herd away, getting ready for another day.
The river runs through the hops, making them grow strong.
The river flows on, for the fishermen, for the fish.

Trout swerving through the crystal clear water.
The trout pounce and eat the bait off my hook.
I wind it out of the water. 
Out of the swimming hole, on my hook, swirls a huge trout!
I kill the fish with my shimmering blade.
Mmm, it's going to make a nice dinner.
Ahead, people jump off into freezing water,
Making a colossal splash, Midwinter Celebration!
Frozen frost sticks to the Peninsula Bridge, 100 years old this July,
As cars glide past at snail’s pace, over the bridge,
Passengers glance, then stare, at the amazingly brave swimmers swimming against the powerful current,
No buses and trucks allowed on this single laned bridge.

Swimming holes all over the valley.
Which one to select? There’s so many!
Tinpot, Peninsula, Blue Hole and Jenkins,
They’re all great swimming holes for the kids to swim in.
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Whitebait swim in unison down to the river mouth.
The slick silver leaves slide down the rapids.
Grey gravel pits line the river's edge.
Whitebait fishers, waiting for their feed.

Fast-flowing fresh water mixing with salt.
Seaweed and driftwood washing up into the out-coming river.
The trout are stretching back up the river away from the ocean,
As fast as their tails take them.
Sea life is greeting the river, weaving over the sandbar.
Water making its tidal way in and out.
River water sliding over ocean water.

By Room 2 Ngatimoti Primary School 2013


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