News Presentation Term 2

News Presentation Term 2 2012
A ~ Baking Time –
Bring something you made using your favourite recipe to share with the class. Copy the recipe out to share and so others can copy it to take home. Think about presentation and neatness.
B ~ Where in the World? –
Research and write out neatly five or more facts , (including a picture of the flag) about a country. Read the facts out to your classmates as clues and they are to try to work out what country it is. Show them the flag if they still can’t work it out. (It can not be Australia or New Zealand).
C ~ My Music –
Bring your favourite song or piece of music along to school to share with the class, (make sure it is appropriate for children to listen to). Tell us the artist, the title, the album it’s from, the instruments you can hear and why you like it so much.
D ~ Local, School or Community News –       
Have written out, news that has happened or will be happening in the Nelson/Marlborough Region, Motueka, at school or in the Ngatimoti community. The school newsletter and the local newsletters and newspapers will be good sources. Share your opinion.
E ~ Experiment! –
Find an experiment procedure that interests you. Try it out until you can do it properly and then show it to the class, explaining what you are doing, what it shows and what you and your classmates have observed and learnt from it.
F ~ National News –
Tell the class about something that has happened in the rest of New Zealand.  Have it written out and attractively presented on piece of paper that can be put on the class newsboard. Remember to tell us where, why, how, when, what and who. Share your opinion.
G ~ Guess Who? -
         Choose a famous person, giving at least clues but not giving away who it is. The class has to guess the name of the person. Have a picture organized to show them, (it could be online)
H ~ International News –
The same as for National News but this news has happened somewhere in the rest of the world not in New Zealand. Share your opinion.
I ~ Fantasy/Mythical Creature Did You Know? –
Tell about some interesting fact or facts you’ve found out about a fantasy or mythical creature. Try to include its habitat, MRSGREN, legends or country its from etc. Have it written out neatly, including a picture or drawing of it so it can go in the class Fantasy/Mythical Creature book.
J. ~ Free Choice  -
       You choose what type of news you would like to present.

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