Presentation Term 3 2013
A ~ Photo Time
Bring a photo you have taken, to share with the class. Tell us the
where, who, when, why and what answers about it. Tell us what type of photo
shot it is, e.g. close up, action, posed, high or low angle etc.
B ~ Cartoon Character
Draw a picture of your favourite cartoon character and neatly
write a character description underneath. Tell us about the show/comic strip
they come from, their name and read out the character description and show us
your cartoon character.
C ~ Local, School
or Community News –
Have written
out, news that has happened or will be happening in the Nelson/Marlborough
Region, Motueka, at school or in the Ngatimoti community. The school newsletter
and the local newsletters and newspapers will be good sources. Share your
D ~ Web Sell
Write down the address of your favourite website to bring to
school. Load it up and show us it using the class projector. Tell us about why
it is your favourite and what you will find or do on it.
E ~ I Think That...
Choose a topic you feel strongly about, something that others may
disagree with. Give us your opinion and back it up with at least 3 strong
statements/facts that support your viewpoint, before summing up why you think
what you do. Be prepared to have your argument challenged and debate to arise!
F ~ National News –
Tell the
class about something that has happened in the rest of New Zealand. Have it written out and attractively
presented on piece of paper that can be put on the class newsboard. Remember to
tell us where, why, how, when, what and who. Share your opinion.
G ~ Movie Critic
Tell us about a movie you have viewed including who was in it,
what genre it was, (e.g. action, comedy, horror) and what it was about. Then
give us your opinion of what you liked and didn’t like about it. Also, give it
a rating out of ten.
H ~ International News –
The same as
for National News but this news has happened somewhere in the rest of the world
not in New Zealand. Share
your opinion.
I ~ Precious Pets –
Tell us about
some interesting facts you’ve found out about an animal kept as a pet, (It
could be a pet you actually keep or have kept.)Try to include the special care
needed for it, nutrition, breed information, etc. Have it written out neatly,
including a picture or drawing of it so it can go on the wall to be displayed.
Don’t forget that all these
oral language items can be produced and presented using I.T.- computers, Ipads,
emails, Powerpoints/keynotes/slideshows, ComicLife, Youtube, etc.
Goal for Term 3: Use gestures and facial expression to improve
oral delivery skills.
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