A ~ Personal News -
Prepare some personal news to share with the class. It could be
about something you did over your Summer holidays, that your family or you are
doing or have done recently. Have it typed or written and attractively
presented on a piece of paper that can be put on the class newsboard.
B ~ Mihi -
Using the sheet from Mrs M to help you, find out more about
your family heritage and fill in your mihi, (introducing yourself). If you get
stuck ask for help, especially with pronunciation.
C ~ Local, School or Community News -
Have neatly typed
or written out, news that has happened or will be happening in the
Nelson/Marlborough Region, Motueka, at school or in the Ngatimoti community.
The school newsletter and the local newsletters and newspapers will be good
sources. Share your opinion. Think about neat presentation: borders, lettering,
correct spelling, illustrations.
D ~ My Sense of Place –
Tell us
about your favourite place in the valley or the local Tasman area: where it is,
why it is special to you, any interesting information about it, stories you
have or know or history associated with it. Be prepared to show us on a map
where it is and how to get there.
E ~ National News –
Tell the
class about something that has happened in the rest of New Zealand. Have it written out and attractively
presented on piece of paper that can be put on the class newsboard.
Remember to tell us where, why, how, when, what and who. Share your opinion.
Think about neat presentation: borders, lettering, correct spelling,
F ~ The Deep Blue Sea –
Give us 5
or more interesting facts, (neatly typed or written out and with an
illustration) about something amazing that lives in our oceans, something that
proves why our oceans need to be protected and cared for. Think about
attractive presentation, borders and being eye-catching as this will go on
display in Room 2.
G ~ International News –
The same as
for National News but this news has happened somewhere in the rest of the world
not in New Zealand. Share
your opinion. Think about neat presentation: borders, lettering, correct
spelling, illustrations.
H ~ Where in NZ? –
and write out neatly five or more fascinating facts, (including a
picture something to do with the place) about a place in NZ. Read the facts out
to your classmates as clues and they are to try to work out where it is. Show
them the picture if
I ~ Jokes and
Prepare 3 jokes or riddles to share with the class. Make sure they
are written out neatly so they can be put into the class joke book so
others can enjoy them.
J ~ Favourite Book
your favourite book to school and share it with the class. Tell us the title,
author, characters and what you like about it including the rating you'd give
it and why.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Peri B C# D* E F G H I J A
Pagan C D E# F* G H I J A B
Rowena D* E F G# H* I J A B# C*
Kyle E# F* G H I# J* A B C D#
H.K F G H I J A# B* C D E
Joelle G H I J A B C# D* E F
Kai H I J A B C D E# F* G
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Tenesha A# B C D E F G H I J*
Bryn B* C# D E F G H I J A
Kea C D* E# F G H I* J# A B
Tui D E F* G# H I J A* B# C
Tiah E F G H* I# J A B C* D#
Leigh F G H I J* A# B C D E
Fraser G H I J A B* C# D E F
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Kahu A# B* C D E F G H# I J
Knightly B C# D* E F G H I J A*
Corbin C D E# F* G H I J A* B
Zeb D* E F G# H* I J A B# C
Isabel E F G H I# J* A B C D#
Phoenix F G H I J A# B* C D E
Seth G H I J A B C# D* E F
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
M. A# B* C D E F G# H I J
Amy B C# D* E F G H I* J A
Hannah C D E# F* G H I J# A* B
Jasmine D E F G# H* I J A B# C*
Kaydn E* F G H I# J* A B C D#
Oakley F G H I J A# B* C D E
Key: *
# Questions
*Group Leader
It is your job in the morning to check
that everyone in the group has their news organised and ready to present, if
they don’t you will need to help them.
When it is time for news you will present each group member and their
type of news. You will be running
the class news for that day. Everyone in the class will have turn at
being Group Leader. Check the list to see when it is your turn. It is a
responsible job and I expect everyone to go a good job.
awesome blog